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7 Content Ideas to Gain 10K Followers

March 11, 20243 min read

Creating a viral content strategy doesn't require you to be a creative genius.

Sometimes, all it takes is a push in the right direction and some inspiration.

Here’s a simple 7 day content blueprint I’d follow if I was trying to grow my account from scratch.

Let us begin

Monday: The Positive Top Tip

Kickstart the week by providing a quick, actionable tip to your audience.

Think about a common problem that your target audience is struggling with. Give them a simple roadmap to solve it.

For example, if you’re a fitness coach:

“3 tips to stick to your diet while still enjoying a holiday”

Here's an example of a Positive Top Tip video I created.

Tuesday: The Negative Top Tip

Day two, follow up with another actionable tip for your audience, but this time you want to add a negative spin to it.

This time, instead of solving a problem for your target audience, you want to tell them to stop making a mistake.

This will help them achieve a dreamed outcome.

For example, if you’re a fitness coach:

“Stop running if your try to lose weight. Instead, do this..”

Here’s an example of a Negative Top Tip I created.

Wednesday: The Question Response

Find a comment or question related to your niche. Answer it using the green screen feature inside of Instagram or TikTok.

Here’s an example of how that could look.

Some of my favorite places to find questions my target audience are asking:

  • Reddit

  • Quora

  • Facebook Groups

  • My own comments

  • My competitors’ comments

Thursday: The Question Response

Pick a topic related to your niche. Create a video series with 4 videos, and share 1 video each week for a month.

Here’s an example of a series I created where I documented:

“How to build an online business from scratch”

Friday: The Curator

Research someone in your niche who’s doing great things, and distill the key lessons you’ve learned to your audience.

This not only provides value to your followers. It also helps build community and networking opportunities within your niche.

Here is an example I created for Ali Abdaal.

Saturday: The How-to

Teach your audience how to do something related to your niche.

Here’s an example of a How-to post I created.

Some ideas for different niches:

  • How to do a bench press (Fitness)

  • How to take a photo using manual settings (Photography)

  • How to record a podcast with your phone (Content Creation)

Sunday: The Boost Reel

Share an easy to consume video that is short, entertaining, and that can relate to a broader audience.

Boost videos are usually under 10 seconds. They have a trending audio and provide value visually.

Example of a Boost post.

That’s it!

By repeating and iterating this process, you’ll find yourself building an audience of like-minded people in no time!

Thank you for reading,

P.S. Are you tired of staring at a blank page, feeling overwhelmed by endless content ideas, or frustrated by inconsistent posting?

Here’s how I can help:

Join hundreds of consistent creators who've discovered the secret weapon to mastering their content game: The Consistent Creator Template.

This isn't just another planner.

It's the content system I used to gain 161,189 followers in 30 days.

Streamline your workflow, spark your creativity, and consistently show up for your audience.

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