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I Hacked The Social Media Algorithm To Gain 303,792 Followers In 7 Months..

February 17, 20243 min read

In just seven months, I gained 303,792 followers without busting a single dance move or dropping a dollar on ads.

And today, I’m peeling back the curtain and revealing the content strategies I used to fuel this rapid growth and to gain over 50M+ views across my content.

Let’s dive in..

The Four Pillars of Content

Right now, people are scrolling social media in search of one (or more) of these key pillars:

  • Education

  • Inspiration

  • Validation

  • Entertainment

If your content doesn’t align with at least one of these pillars, you’re going to find it difficult to grow.

My content primarily focuses on the Education pillar, but I plan to expand into different pillars to attract an even broader audience.

The ABC Framework

Content Strategy

My approach to content is straightforward, and it revolves around three different styles, each playing a role in converting strangers to raving fans:

  1. Authority Content: Establish yourself as the go-to expert with insightful how-to’s, top tips, and social proof. (Click here for an example)

  2. Boost Content: Incorporating entertaining styled content that aligns with broader trends will help drive new traffic to your profile. (Click here for an example)

  3. Community Content: Build real connections with your audience by sharing your story, opinions, and personality. Community content turns followers into a loyal community. (Click here for an example)

Content Workflow

Having produced thousands of pieces of content, I’ve broken the journey from idea to viral post into four key stages:

  1. Idea Generation: Using platforms like Quora, Facebook Groups, and even ChatGPT will allow you to find common questions your target audience is asking. question

    Compile these questions into your content planner before moving to the next step.

  2. Scripting: My go-to method for scripting short form videos is the HVC Framework, which consists of a:

    • Hook to capture attention in the first few seconds.

    • Valuable information delivered through actionable tips. For short videos, limit yourself to three tips per video to avoid any confusion for your viewers.

    • Call-to-action directing viewers to take a single action, such as liking, following, or commenting.

  3. Content Production: Aim for a smooth and consistent production workflow. Stay organized with tools like Notion, use a teleprompter for ease while filming, and batch record your videos.

    This is the content planner I use:

  4. Editing for Engagement: Use pattern interrupts like B-roll, sound effects, and captions in your content to increase video watch times.

    The longer people watch, the more the algorithm will push your content.

That’s it!

Well, keep in mind, building your audience online will take consistency and Iteration.

But with these frameworks, it’ll be a whole easier and quicker.

Your friend,
Takumi “Just Grow” Shyegun

Whenever you're ready, there are three ways I can help you:

  1. Authority Navigator: If you're looking for a "done-with-you" approach to building your personal brand online, you can work directly with me and the same social media growth team I used to build an online audience of over 300K+ people in just 7 months.

  2. The Consistent Creator System: From idea to publish, the Consistent Creator system will help you execute and stay consistent with all of your content needs in one location.

  3. The Creator Incubator: Strategize and manage your creator business with proven systems designed to streamline every aspect of your content workflow and business growth.

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